Truck Driving Offers Competitive Salaries
In a time when Americans are seeking work more than ever, there is an industry ready for an influx of new-hires. It’s estimated that by 2020, the trucking industry will need 330,000 new drivers to meet the demand placed on the industry.
Currently, it appears that the economic recovery has progressed in such a way that goods are
being transported in higher volumes and with more frequency, which means more drivers are needed to get these goods from point A to point B. The industry is about 30,000 drivers short at the moment, nationwide. However, the economic forecast is looking good, which means more goods will need to be shipped in the coming years, pushing the truck driving shortage even further to a drastic number of more than 300,000. If you’re considering a job in the trucking industry, now is the time to jump.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, there are around 1.6 million truck-driving careerists out on the road right now, which is not nearly enough.
There are several reasons for this shortage, including Baby Boomers who are hitting the retirement age at a rate of around 10,000 per day; some of these retirees are truck drivers. Federal regulation changes have also taken their toll on drivers who enjoyed working longer hours in one stretch than is now allowed. Another factor is that truck driving requires the driver to be away from home, which has forced some people who might have been interested into taking jobs in other industries. However, not all trucking agencies require their drivers to travel long distances from home.
With a multitude of drivers retiring and fewer young drivers filling their spots, there is definitely a renewed call to get more Americans interested in the lifestyle and the career. Millennials are the youngest generation of people entering the workforce. If you are a Millennial that hasn’t quite found his/her niche in the workforce, you might be surprised at how enjoyable a job as a truck driver can be, especially when you consider that you don’t have to be away from home for long stretches, you have flexible hours and you can make really good money.
The average college student today will come out of their university with a student loan debt of at least $25,000. Some of these graduates don’t even have a job when they get out and don’t find meaningful work for months or maybe a year. When they do find work, the salaries are often underwhelming and barely allow them to keep up with their student loan payments. However, the trucking company that hires you is increasingly paying for the education required for becoming a truck driver. Furthermore, the salaries are extremely competitive and often outmatch what college graduates find when they get started in their career.
Spirit Miller Driveaway Services is a company offering new hires a competitive salary, benefits and flexible hours. We’re also a company that will not require you to be away from your home for extended periods, if that’s something that doesn’t suit your lifestyle. Call us today and find out how to get started with your new career.